Sunday, 2 April 2017

Women's Hockey Grows Up

I watched the Canadian women's hockey team lose to Finland last night at the world championships. It was a tight game but Finland took them down. It's the first time they have ever lost to anyone other than the USA at a world level competition.

I couldn't be more proud.

Our women have brought international women's hockey to a level where it's not just 2 teams anymore. They raised the golden bar. It took decades of hard work and setting an example for others to aspire to. Finally other women are able to stand toe to toe with them. And I hope those Finnish women remember to say thank you. They could have never reached this level without those Canadian women setting a blazing example for them.

Now, I should say thank you to the USA team. But I don't like them. However they just set an amazing precedent in the USA by demanding and getting a reasonable pay level. So, yah ladies for that!

Things learned in the sewing room this week.

  • When your thread and fabric keep catching on the needle (yes, that's a thing) switch to a single hole faceplate. Big improvement!
  • Those funny felt circles that came with your machine will keep your thread from spinning too fast when you use a vertical spool pin. I have wondered for 40 years what those things are for!
  • There is a thread cutter up by my bobbin winder! Who knew?
  • Patterns sized for a D cup are a step in the right direction for me, but not the last step.
  • This monthly calendar of projects started and finished is really helpful for me. I forget what I have done and it feels great to see I did get something finished.
  • I can move decorative stitches to the left and right as well as flip them over in both directions. This is a whole new world!
  • I found a use for the double ribbon stitches on my machine. I had little hope for them as they seemed impossibly frivolous, but I did find the perfect use and learned how to execute them in a straight line to boot! (details some day soon)
  • Reading the machine manual leads to good things.
  • The #3 foot (blind hem) is amazing! It makes an amazing edge stitch and should be used more!
  • I really do need to clean up more often.
I might need a new phone. It is at least 8 years old. Pictures are not as easy to manage as they were, and it needed to be rebooted to recognize its SIM card sometimes. So, if you want pictures send me money. Go Fund Me!

Just kidding.