Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snow Day

Today was the first snow day since I retired. I loved snow days. First, you get to sleep in. Next, you have nothing you have to do! I would lie on the couch and read, drink tea and watch the snow fall through the windows. I have beautiful views.

In this school system snow days at one time were as rare as hen's teeth. In fact I actually went to work twice on snow days because that's what you did. The snow was not 2 feet thick, therefore why check with the radio to see if school is still on? It seems I can still stick my head in the snowbank.

It was snowing this morning but it was Tuesday and that's the day I volunteer at school so of course I got up and started out. I was 95% of the way there and stopping in for tea to go when I began to think that the roads were actually rather nasty for a school day. That's when I texted W to see if she wanted tea as well, and she replied (from deep under the covers) that today was a snow day.

I am such a keener!

So I delivered tea to W and got a full fashion show from her daughters as to what the well dressed American doll wears nowadays. Quite informative and entertaining! You have no idea! The shoes! The accessories!

So I spent the rest of the day reading and sewing. Ahhhhh!!!! I may do the same tomorrow. It was lovely!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Saggy Bottoms

For those who worried,  the last sister did get her neck warmer. I forgot to take a picture of it before I let it go. I want to document what I make this year. I'm not sure why. I just think it might be interesting.

I've been sewing a lot this week. I had a friend over for a prep day before a group sew in Saturday. It's so relaxing to prepare projects, get them lined up and then start in. You also get such great support and advice when sewing socially. It doesn't get any better than that! I'm sewing underwear this month. The drawers need refreshing. The latest bra is an excellent fit, but my bra guru has ideas about a different design and possible benefits to said design. This has me all excited! I hope to nab her expertise sooner than later.

I'm getting back into retirement mode. December was a busy month, and I had 'obligations'. I had to take a breath this month and remind myself that I get to choose (most of the time) what I am doing. Then I felt so much better! Retirement is really quite a joyful thing!

There is a stash busting challenge out there that has you busting 2 pieces of well aged fabric stash each month all year. This sounds like a practical and progressive plan. I must say that I am aware I don't want to die before I wear all my best fabric, and my stash is such that I better get a move on AND live a very long time. Why do we 'save' good things for later? I want to enjoy nice things now. If they are truly nice, they can stand lots of use in the first place. I don't mean to be frivolous or wasteful, but the joy you get from the nicer things in life is something everyone deserves and it stays with you.

I am also trying to wear a belt this year. It keeps my pants up, reminds me I need to lose belly fat and prevents saggy bottom. We should all do what we can to prevent saggy bottoms. Everyone needs a belt and Pilates.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Holy Holly Holidays

I haven't written in a while. It was a great holiday season. And I do mean holiday. Each day of December is a holiday for me, regardless of what each one means to you. I like them all. However the word holiday comes from Holy Day, and I would never say that each day was a holy day for me. Why do people object to Happy Holidays? I am tired of such rhetoric. It takes away from my joy. Holy is in the eye of the celebrator perhaps. Or in the toe of the sock?

One thing that made my H-days work (and we all know how easy it is to get them offtrack) was a lack of expectations. I decided that expectations are what ruin things for me when they don't get met in the exact way I anticipated. I tried to have as few as possible. I loved the present I made for DH (Nap Land - couch slipcover, pillows and quilt).

 I loved the cedar lawn chairs he made for me. The best feature is that he adjusts everything for me. They are custom sized and my legs never get pins and needles! We each bought a few other little gifts along the line of what we usually do and that was nice, but I think next year they will go by the wayside as well. We will make or do for each other. There's no price tag on that.

We usually have a huge group for dinner on Christmas. This year we had the MIL. Just 3 for dinner. At first I was worried it wouldn't be as nice as the huge family fests I'm used to. Then I removed the expectations and it went very nicely. Quiet, relaxed and cozy. I got to do the family thing over the next week, especially when little sis arrived from Montreal. Now at one point I started to get disappointed that what I thought was happening hadn't, and then I relaxed again and it all worked out. We are a relaxed group. Hmmm.... The tub looks smaller than it is.

We went out for New Years as a group - 4 sisters and 2 spouses, 1 brother and his partner and all her sisters and spouses. My DH stayed home as he was a sick, sick puppy. I missed him, but we all danced on. Again, you can't sweat the stuff that just happens. It won't change and you'll miss the chance to dance! We don't get enough of those, do we?

Another way I have reduced gifting stress is to make a whack of things I like and let people chose (or not) what they like. Here are the female recipients in their new neck warmers. I used up tons of odd yarns. You'll notice the sad sister with wine glass and no neck warmer. You snooze, you lose. I'll get her later. I never remember to count. The male recipients got little metal puzzles to put together. I have not received pics of the finished projects yet. Those who don't send one may be off the list next year. Or at least last to pick.

Bedjackets Return!

So I'm in bed last night and I'm cold. Just the part of me above the covers of course. The rest of me is cozy. However I'm watching TV as we often do, or I read or whatever. The exposed part of me gets cold. The arms are out and the shoulders are chilled. I like to sleep in a cold room.

And it finally strikes me - this is what bed jackets are for! I always wondered what could possibly make those beribboned things of any use outside of Hollywood. I may omit the ribbons but I'm thinking I need one of those. Something soft and cozy and a bit retro with fabulous buttons. I may even need pancakes in bed to welcome the arrival. Sounds good!

I want to document what I make this year. I lose track. Do you keep track? The ultimate recorder may be Caroline of Handmade By Caroline. She wears only what she has made herself and records all of her expenses. Now I don't want to get into that, but I do want to refine what I make to things I love and that fit well. I also have a huge but luscious stash that needs to be actioned. Yum!