Wednesday, 26 June 2013

If a Duck Quacks

Ah ha! Remember the drawing of the lines on the bias squares, and how that created possibilities for problems? Well I am hooked on the Missouri Quilt Co. videos. You need to check them out. The Great P introduced me to them. A duck quacks at the beginning of each video so they had me hooked before they even began. Well, she presses her squares on the diagonal to make that line. I think this will be a more stable solution and intend to try it out.

I started another quilt while I slog through the first one. The second quilt is a real quickie with huge squares. I just like the design because the squares stop about 1/4 of the way from the top and then appear on the top 1/4 of the back. It makes for a perfect fold over quilt. Whenever DH makes the bed (not that often because I'm usually still in it) he never knows what to do with the pillows and cover. Do the pillows go on top or underneath.

Now really. He sees it every day. Men know exactly what they're doing, IMO.

With this quilt the design will help him out. Fold it back dear, so you can see the other blocks. I'm getting it quilted at work on the long arm quilter. You strap the poor thing to a huge frame and the sewing machine part travels back and forth, making a beautiful design that you program. It's like magic. This quilt calls for a bold quilting design to make it pretty, so I think this will be great. I prefer to quilt my own quilts, but you do need to try new things.

I haven't updated my reading list lately and I should. My nephew gave me a book a while back (Atlantic Canada's 100 Greatest Books) and I've been working through it. Reading books by the 'home crowd' just gets to your soul on the first page. They know you. It also helps you to understand you. They touch on subjects you live side by side with, but don't give much thought. And what talent!

I love Michael Crummey and Alistair MacLeod (yes, dad to the little bonbon who taught my Atlantic Lit class). Ann-Marie MacDonald, Hugh MacLennan and Bernice Morgan are so wonderful. I do not like David Adams Richards. I have tried. I can't get past the half way mark. I'm sure I'll try again, because I know I'm supposed to like him, but I don't so far. But the best has been 'Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant. Of course I'm only part way through Two Solitudes, and it is really meaty in a good way. It may top her, but I may start a new category instead. That book stands on its own.

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