I have been a bit obsessed with yo-yos lately. I got a little yoyo maker at Sew With Vision and have been converting stash scraps into yo-yos ever since. Working there gives me way too many ideas. It can be done without thought while watching TV. I have quite a pile, but if I am to make a coverlet I think I need 2500. If I could just get a popcorn maker converted to popping out yo-yos? I need them at that rate. Whatever. For now they are fun.
Today the Lace Guild met at my house. I needed that. I haven't touched my lace in way too long. I'm still working on the same endless lace edging. I hope I can stick with it this week as I've got the hang of it again. I can't watch TV and lace though - hence the yo-yos.
Household hint - dump the oil from your recipe in the bowl first. Then everything else that goes into that cup just slides out. These are the things I know.
I want a yoyo popcorn machine. Let me know if you find one!